Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hellooooooooo out there. I decided that since I have recently realized I love reading a good blog, I should probably get back to my long-lost blog.

I'm an engaged, 25 year old environmental scientist living in good ole' Raleigh, North Carolina. Though a nerdy scientist by trade, I also enjoy the creative side of life; this mainly manifests in my love of cooking, though I'm an avid fashion/home-design appreciator who wishes she was as creative as her artist/designer mother, sister, and best friend, and frequently fakes her way through design-y conversations. (Also through political conversations...) My fiance is a clever and sexy man who frequently makes me laugh, and of whom I am in awe, since he is actually way smarter and cooler than I am. He gets mad when I don't thoroughly read the random news articles he sends me, and I get mad when he gets mad. Circle of life. We're in love. Rounding out my every day experience are my dogs, Rufus and Bear. They are miniature poodle mixes, so they bark a lot and like to sleep. But we love them and they are excellent napping buddies. I'll try and be funny (my mom thinks I'm hilarious...) or at least interesting.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

i think you don't give yourself enough credit- you HAVE been redefining cool since 1985...